Monday, January 31, 2011

Not a good sign

How do you know when you're getting old? When putting on a coat you hurt your shoulder badly enough to not be able to move your arm for several hours. I would venture to say, that's a fairly good indication.

I mean, really? A coat? Geesh. I am a mess.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just a thought

on this snowy night...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Here we go...

French has begun. In the same class as BF. Madame Neena seems très agréable. My brain is already starting to hurt. However, I am exhilarated by the challenges to come over the next twenty four weeks. Thankfully I have chocolate croissants and plenty of champagne to ease the woes of learning a new language. It's honestly a dream come true and I am tremendously grateful. Bonne nuit!