I like my TV and I would be sad if it were dead. Bake whatever, but only if your like baking in the first place. Personally, I like a tart pie. Cake is entirely too sweet and unfortunately, can be described as "moist." Gross. Tea is fine. Kazoo's are annoying no matter what. It really depends on what the hand is making. Where is "my" town? I DO, however, appreciate where I am. Singing, alone, in the car is grand. Bartering and swapping are somewhat punishing. You really SHOULD keep it wonky. Whatever that means. Making stuff and writing letters, especially of the "thank you" variety is important. Champion what you believe in. Grow yourself. Love. Being kind AND working hard WILL pay off.
So, the thing is, when you try so hard to BE "out of the box," "quirky" and "uncommon" you end up the disingenuous fool. Going off the "beaten path" can be interesting, but when you do so at the sake of being real you end up missing the point altogether, not to mention exhausting those around you. It's okay to take the easy route sometimes. It's okay to know the answer to something from which you want to distance yourself. In fact, it's okay to stop asking those questions entirely. It's okay to eat in a popular restaurant and have something ordinary. KNOW who you are, have confidence in that and be accepting of those around you. Simple. As. That.
Rant over.