Oh golly! Just found this exquisite book, Gentlemen of Bacongo, by photographer, Daniele Tamgni. A gorgeous expression of artistry, by both Tamgni and his subjects, The Sapeurs. I can't believe we will be living there. I hope you can spare a moment do a bit of reading about these fascinating men of the congo. The Sapeurs today belong to Le SAPE; an acronym for the movement itself, Société des Ambianceurs et Persons Élégants. I'm sure it's no coincidence that the word sape also means “to dress with elegance and style” in French. Members not only remain resolutely faithful to the church of high fashion and it's designers, but have their own code of honor, codes of professional conduct and strict notions of morality. C'est tres cool! Can't get enough.
Photos: Daniele Tamgni ("Gentlemen of Bacongo" - Trolley Books)
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